CDA Executive Board Minutes, 27 January 2019


  1. National Council Update, National Council Chair, Kyteria Marshall — Agenda sent for National Council meeting to Calvin
  2. Development Update, Development Director, Robert Joerg — Team is almost done with database of all states’ filing deadlines. Should be done within the next week for program to be rolled out in the next month or two / Finishing data analysis of database that Ethan sent of state feds. Should be done within two weeks.
  3. Membership Update, Membership Director, Ethan Smith — Able to certify WV, WY, Mississippi tonight! / Ethan visiting KS to set up their federation / Nebraska — Calvin needs to reach out to Sam (ethan text Calvin to remind him) / Minnesota in contact to be chartered next! / CDCT Pres Ron Meehan getting us contacts in Alaska to charter / Voice vote: MS, WV, WY – Ayes have it!
  4. Political Update, Political Director, Mike Smith – Email went out to all chapter presidents about organizing protests against gov shutdown — but gov has been reopened so the Feb 8 protests are cancelled (or postponed if the gov shuts down again in 3 weeks) / Abt 12 chapters did sign up after original communication went out — Mike to follow up with them / Job list with all state party went out, Working now on presidential job campaign listing (“except Howard Schultz bc he’s trash” — Mike) / If you want to become a member of a caucus member hit up Mike Smith or Soph Siegel
  5. Communications Update, Communications Director, Ridgley Knapp — Letter on unionization: SLEU (Student Library Employees) will get us statement soon. / Robert in contact with grad student union at U of M — they’re slow to get information back. Robert also going to reach out to MSU / Ridge reaching out to Duke, Georgetown to get other grad union on board / Will be running a lot of content on convention and our new federations, and our folks running for local office / Little tricky with the last one bc DNC doesn’t like if we give promo to people who may be running against other dems, but a lot of these races are non partisan so that issue can be avoided
  6. Programs Update, Programs Director, Mikaela Guido — Flickr photo album to keep our photos together / We’ll use Remind 101 to send out announcements during convention / Finishing up rooming assignments. Everyone who registered for housing should have a space. Now, we have reached capacity so housing is closed. / Need to figure out a way to clarify to people which doubletree they are staying in – Rooming assignments will be sent out by Wednesday

New Business

– CDA Winter Convention — see Mikaela’s update (above)

– Constitution Amendments

  1. Drew to send Calvin a form that will allow people to vote absentee — this is IN PLACE OF proxy voting. So NO proxy voting, but YES absentee. / If possible to get a list of those who are registered, Drew can parse out the NC members who will be present from those who aren’t
  2. Process: Exec board needs to vote unanimously on an amendment two calls in a row for the amendment to be presented at convention. — this is call #1 / 16 amendments — first 12 are ones we were supposed to do in Chicago. 4 are new. 3 others are postponed until summer convention. / Amendment about slates: Victoria concerned about the lack of infrastructure to enforce amendment 6 banning slates (except for pres/vp, NC chair/vice chair) — This falls under a section that holds enforcement procedures. But proof of a violation is tricky given the language.
  3. Mike makes motion to approve all amendments forward to the NC except 8, 11, 12 before we go into a long discussion, but Drew objects. Calvin suggests we move all amendments forward to National Council. Victoria and Mike both suggest we need to comb through these. Problem with passing this to a NC Call, is that we need quorum and we won’t get it on the call. Unanimous vote infeasible tonight, so caucus system is our next move.
  4. Victoria: we can move to suspend the rules of time to deliberate so we can fit time constraint. Do so with each amendment — meaning noncontroversial ones the process is streamlined, and for controversial ones we can allow for debate.
  5. Drew says we have contradictory constitutional clauses that leave for wide interpretation of who gets a vote.
  6. Joyce (DC): speaking as a registered parliamentarian, you can’t suspend the rules. The convention is the annual meeting (the summer), the winter meeting can only hold a National Council vote.
  7. Mike — with the exception of 2, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, all other amendments are pretty uncontroversial. So we if we can vote on those to be FOR SURE at the convention that would be a positive step forward. / Ethan — #2 leaves open for abuse / Ridge — get the point but the idea that someone would take further classes to be a part of CDA is a little unrealistic
  8. Calvin: let’s vote on each one to hopefully pass some

9. Another exec meeting on Wednesday to give drew enough time to print the ballot – To those who said Nay, please email Drew with your reasoning so he can remedy the situation

  1. CDNJ Update—Never got the minutes from Meagan Warner, but CDNJ is going to host a call on 1/28 to revise those elements in the constitution. Western Regional Director David Huff and NC Chair Kyteria Marshall are on the call.

Kevin Lima taking over as our Designated Staffer

Official Minutes here.



College Democrats of America (CDA)

The College Democrats of America (CDA) are the official youth arm of the Democratic National Committee, with chapters on over 600 campuses nationwide.